Explore Kendal
Some places you can visit when you are in Kendal
![Explore Kendal](img/explore kendal/CURUG SEWU WATERFALL.jpg)
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![Explore Kendal](img/explore kendal/CURUG SEWU WATERFALL 2.jpg)
![Explore Kendal](img/explore kendal/CURUG SEWU WATERFALL 3.jpg)
Air Terjun CURUG SEWU yang terletak di Patean, Kendal merupakan air terjun tertinggi di Jawa Tengah yang terdiri dari tiga susun air terjun dengan total ketinggin mencapai 80 meter. Munculnya pelangi dari percikan air yang terpapar sinar matahari semakin menambah keindahan Curug Sewu. Dan untuk menambah kenyamanan pengunjung, disediakan berbagai fasilitas seperti taman bermain, kolam renang, kebun binatang mini, dan juga gardu pandang untuk menikmati Curug Sewu dari ketinggian.
CURUG SEWU Waterfall which is located in Patean, Kendal is known as the highest waterfall in Central Java. Curug Sewu consist of three level of waterfall with total height reach almost 80 meters. The emergence of a rainbow from splashing water exposed by sunlight make Curug Sewu look more beautiful. Curug Sewu recreational park equipped with various facilities to provide comfort to visitors such as, children’s playground, swimming pool, mini zoo, and also a viewing tower to enjoy the waterfall from height.
![Explore Kendal](img/explore kendal/PANTAI CAHAYA.jpg)
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![Explore Kendal](img/explore kendal/PANTAI CAHAYA 2.jpg)
![Explore Kendal](img/explore kendal/PANTAI CAHAYA 3.jpg)
THE SEA PANTAI CAHAYA adalah Obyek Wisata yang terletak di Desa Sendang Sikucing, Kec. Rowosari-Kab. Kendal, menyediakan berbagai wahana dan pentas lumba-lumba, kebun binatang mini, kolam renang & water boom, kolam apung, panggung hiburan Theatron, dan juga pemandangan pantai yang indah. Selain itu terdapat pula wahana permainan anak, antara lain mandi bola, perahu kan, ATV Jungle dan kereta mini.
THE SEA PANTAI CAHAYA is a tourist attraction located in Sendang Sikucing village, Rowosari-Kendal, provides various facilities to pamper its visitors, such as dolphin’s show, mini zoo, swimming pool & water boom, entertainment stage Theatron, and a beautiful coastal scenery. Beside that, there are children’s ride for kids, such as the balls pit, canoe, ATV Jungle, and mini trains.
![Explore Kendal](img/explore kendal/AGRO WISATA PLANTERA.jpg)
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![Explore Kendal](img/explore kendal/AGRO WISATA PLANTERA 2.jpg)
![Explore Kendal](img/explore kendal/AGRO WISATA PLANTERA 3.jpg)
Dengan konsep surga buah, PLANTERA sangat menarik untuk dikunjungi. Wisatawan akan diajak berkeliling perkebunan dengan mobil khusus untuk menikmati kebun buah yang asrii sembari menghirup udara segar pegunungan. Selain itu pengunjung juga diperkenankan membeli buah-buahan yang tersedia, baik langsung petik dari pohon maupun yang sudah ada di Plantera Fruits Shop.
The concept of fruit paradise make PLANTERA very interested to visit. Tourists will be invited to enjoy the beautiful orchads with the particular car provided while inhaling the fresh mountain air. In addition, visitors are also allowed to buy fruit available, either directly plucked from the tree or just grab from the Plantera Fruits Shop.
![Explore Kendal](img/explore kendal/PEMANDIAN AIR PANAS GONOHARJO.jpg)
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![Explore Kendal](img/explore kendal/PEMANDIAN AIR PANAS GONOHARJO 2.jpg)
![Explore Kendal](img/explore kendal/PEMANDIAN AIR PANAS GONOHARJO 3.jpg)
Pemandian Air Panas GONOHARJO sering digunakan oleh pengunjung untuk rekreasi dan terapi. Airnya yang mengandung belerang diyakini mampu menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit kulit. Obyek wisata ini telah dilengkapi dengan berbagai fasilitas pendukung seperti, warung makan, tempat ganti, kamar mandi, dan musholla.
GONOHARJO Hot Spring Water is often used by its visitors for recreation and therapy. The water that contain sulfur is believed can cure various skin diseases. This tourist attraction has equipped with various facilities such as, food stalls, changing room, and a worship place.
![Explore Kendal](img/explore kendal/GUA KISKENDO.jpg)
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![Explore Kendal](img/explore kendal/GUA KISKENDO 2.jpg)
![Explore Kendal](img/explore kendal/GUA KISKENDO 3.jpg)
GUA KISKENDO terletak di Desa Trayu, Kec. Singorojo-Kab. Kendal. Gua ini terletak 15 kilometer ke arah selatan dari Kota Kendal melewati Kota Kaliwungu, dengan mulut guanya yang besar dan kondisi alamnya yang asri. Untuk menuju Gua Kiskendo, pemandangan selama perjalanan menuju Gua Kiskendo cukup membuat rasa lelah hilang sejenak.
KISKENDO CAVE is located in Trayu Village, Singorojo-Kendal. This cave located 15 kilometers south directions by pasing through Kaliwungu from Kendal town. The cave itself has a big cave door, with the condition of the nature that still unexploited, and the landscape from the cave surrounding it can give some relaxation.